Friday, November 6, 2009

What Inspires Me...

Here is a collage of some of my favorite pictures of me snowboarding over the years
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I started snowboarding about 5 years ago. It's hard to describe the feeling I get when I am snowboarding down a mountain of fresh powder, but I know one thing, I love it. I forget who or what introduced me to the sport, but I have been obsessed with it ever since. I wanted to drop everything and move to Colorado and be a bum on the slopes but that didn't quite pan out, thankfully. In the winter, I am always trying to bring my friends to the mountain who have never snowboarded before. The first day is always frustrating for beginners. I always say "expect to fall a lot and expect to hurt the next day". Not very inviting? Hahaha. Don't worry the pain pays off. Snowboarding is not only a rush, but it's an awesome way to help stay in shape during the long Central New York winters. I use muscles that I never thought existed in my body while snowboarding. I have dabbled around the Internet for reliable statistics on how many calories you burn in one hour of snowboarding and the average is about 500 calories. That's just one hour! You use so many muscles throughout the day while snowboarding.

I think it's so important to get kids involved with lifelong activities they can do wherever they are. If you live in a mostly snowy climate, get involved with snowboarding or skiing(snowboarding is better ;). If you live in a mostly warm weather climate, than surfing or long boarding. These are great ways to enjoy the earth and stay active. I feel like there is such an "elitist" mindset in athletes today, that they have to be the best. I want to encourage my students to practice balance and maybe try activities they wouldn't normally do. Football isn't a sport most 60 year olds enjoy, but cross-country skiing is. So why don't we encourage these kind of sports in school along with the other sports? That's something I would like to see change over the years. I am hoping to get a job as a snowboard instructor at Greek Peak this winter. Let's keep our fingers crossed :)

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